Accounting and Payroll Management


What does our Accounting Consulting consist of?

Our Accounting Consulting is an administration tool that allows us to work
alongside our clients, leaving their accounting, tax and payroll compliance processes in the hands of
our team of specialists with experience, knowledge and skills, providing confidence in decision making
and allowing them to focus their time and resources on the activities of greatest value for their business.

Why hire GQ Consultores?
We are expert and specialized professionals in accounting, payroll solutions, financial reporting and tax returns for local clients and/or those with headquarters abroad.

We deliver the best solutions to our clients’ requirements so that their focus is always on carrying out their business, putting their energy into what is really important.

Some of our services...

Accounting Processes

Outsourcing in the accounting area.

Preparation of monthly and annual taxes.

Accounting and tax control.

Accounting reprocessing.

Preparation of Financial Statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Preparation of financial reports, according to the needs of each client's Administration.

Payroll Solutions

General Remuneration Roll

Private Roll of salaries and shares

Preventive labor advice